Subject: MATION: Bitmap Presentation Author: Richard F. Bowman (BowmanSoft) Uploaded By: RichB51533 Date: 6/9/1995 File: MATION.ZIP (661932 bytes) Estimated Download Time (61366 baud): < 2 minutes Download Count: 1075 Needs: An UnZIPing Program, VBRUN300.DLL & Windows 3.1 Keywords: Bowman, BowmanSoft, BMP, Animation, Video, Graphics, VB, Win 3.1 Type: Shareware Version: 4/5/95 This file requires VBRUN300.DLL (Visual Basic Runtime). To find it, type VBRUN on the search form that comes up when you click the Software Search icon on the main menu of the Windows Forum. This program will NOT work with VBRUN100.DLL or VBRUN200.DLL. New with this version: * Memory based operation for better speed. * No scripting language necessary * Improved animation control. * Improved loading capabilities This program allows you to take bitmaps and create an animated presentation from them. You start MATION!, and create a list of the bitmaps you want to include in the animation sequence, then play! Also includes a quick animation viewer, and more. Note: To install, run the included SETUP.EXE Documentation: MATION.HLP Downloads for previous version: 930